The Intelligent IIoT Platform for Predictive and Preventive Maintenance


With BERHALTER CUTcontrol™, a unique digital platform has been created to monitor the productivity and efficiency of the die-cutting machines. CUTcontrol™ assumes the role of support system and uses diagnostic tools for data analysis in order to increase the production performance. In addition, target-oriented service in combination with good spare parts management improves machine utilisation rates.

Key Figures

Our unique IIoT platform CUTcontrol™ provides the infrastructure for collecting and managing data streams. These data streams come from machines, options and die-cutting tools. CUTcontrol™ paves the way to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and is characterised by smart integration and a clear focus on die-cutting machines and their key performance indicators (KPI). The Number One in Die-Cutting.


The Intelligent IIoT Platform for Predictive and Preventive Maintenance


With BERHALTER CUTcontrol™, a unique digital platform has been created to monitor the productivity and efficiency of the die-cutting machines. CUTcontrol™ assumes the role of support system and uses diagnostic tools for data analysis in order to increase the production performance. In addition, target-oriented service in combination with good spare parts management improves machine utilisation rates.

Key Figures

Our unique IIoT platform CUTcontrol™ provides the infrastructure for collecting and managing data streams. These data streams come from machines, options and die-cutting tools. CUTcontrol™ paves the way to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and is characterised by smart integration and a clear focus on die-cutting machines and their key performance indicators (KPI). The Number One in Die-Cutting.

Start your Digital Future.

Key Facts

transparency BERHALTER Swiss-Die-Cutting


Makes production process clear
realtime BERHALTER Swiss Die-Cutting

Real Time

Live data of all machines and tools
dashboard BERHALTER Swiss Die-Cutting


HTML5 web-based and individualized
capacity BERHALTER Swiss Die-Cutting


Increase of machine efficiency
planning BERHALTER Swiss Die-Cutting


Condition monitoring through data analysis